Thursday, 28 August 2014

Response and deconstruction of Sarkeesian's 'Women as Background Decoration Trope'

This week Anita Sarkeesian has released another video for her series 'Feminist Frequency' on youtube. This is generating a ton of heated debate online, with arguments from extremists on both sides giving me a headache as I read the comments.

Normally I like to stay far away from such debates as it is hard to make an opinion without being labelled as a hater or sexist, or extreme feminazi and so on. The current trend in gaming journalism to focus on these social activist issues really irks me lately but that rant is for another blog.

In Anita's latest faring "Women as background decoration" parts 1 and 2. She has made some good arguments and points but she has also focused on certain games and scenes that I feel have been totally misrepresented, cherry picked and twisted in order to fuel her agenda. I would like to point out that I am not claiming that sexism in games is a non issue, it is, but Anita's representation of the issue leaves me feeling that she is a bad figurehead for the feminist voice, as many feminists have said so themselves.

She has a goal in mind, an axe to grind and only picks the information that suits her agenda. She rarely acknowledges when things have been done right as well as wrong. She feels it is easier to complain without offering any clear solutions or ways to improve. She is beginning from her conclusion 'Video Games are sexist: Let me show you why." instead of "Are Video Games Sexist? Let's see." This method irritates me no matter the subject of the argument, and this is an important subject to discuss.

This video has numerous problems, especially the video games chosen as representation. This stems from games such as Assassins creed, Red Dead Redemption and Dragon Age being 'period pieces'. As a feminist she should be aware of the state of affairs in these eras, horrific violence against women was shockingly common and and much more distressing than anything I have ever seen in a game. There are endless historical accounts of women being beaten, attacked and tortured as punishment or for the entertainment of males in those eras. While this by no means makes it any less shocking, she fails to acknowledge this context.
Showing violence against women in this case is not only about realistically reflecting reality, but also realistically reflecting human behaviour. Wouldn't completely omitting the acts and glossing over the fact be equally as bad?

Dragon Age Origins
Let's look at some specific examples...
The Dragon Age example is an historical reference to a practice called "First Night" which some argue was law in England, though as this custom has many sceptics, this could also refer to other media references to the custom. LA Noire pays homage to Noir fiction. Red Dead Redemption, a lightweight representation of Wild West fiction. For Assassin's Creed's, any violence against women is far, far tamer than what commonly occurred in the areas in question, which even includes some of the famous historical figures they use.
Sure we can argue "let's show experiences better than what occurs in the real world" but what if the author's and creator's intention is to depict the harshness of the real world, in a different environment?

Around the 26 minute mark she made the statement that a lot of the violence against women is "inescapable, unchangeable", yet earlier in the video she mentions, as well as fails to mention that the player can intervene, prevent or skip certain scenes entirely. Many scenes are there to engage the player and have them act, not as some gory side show. One reference that irritated me was that in Red Dead Redemption she mentioned that the same act happens repeatedly, in order to desensitize and titillate the player.
Has she no knowledge of how side quests work in a sandbox world? The worlds are huge! If certain side activities only happened once they could 1) Be easily missed 2) Are not a fair representation of the Wild West and 3) The game wouldn't have any lasting content/atmosphere. Eventually making the game dull and lifeless. (This counts for any sidequest - not just sexual violence).

Thunderf00t on youtube has made a very strong argument that Anita has made incredibly black and white statements and has completely taken one game completely out of context. That game is Hitman Absolution.
Please see his full video tomorrow, with particular focus on his argument for Hitman.

Sarkeesian's depiction of this game ENTIRELY focuses on the strip club scene, the game has 20 missions, 7 parts in each. Only 2 parts in a sole mission take place in a strip club. She shows the strippers being killed and dragged around for the sick enjoyment of the player. However Thunderf00t went through roughly 60 streams of players going through this segment and only one player had shot the guard and strippers. None had 'toyed with the bodies'. Many people are questioning where she gets such footage. Did she manufacture this content herself? Did she beat the strippers and drag them around just so she can be disgusted at what she had just done? Players are PENALISED for killing innocents, female or male. It is actively DISCOURAGED for the player to engage in such behaviour, with negative reinforcement through guard alerts, point loss or reputation loss. When she cherry picks and twists the representations of scenes just to support her argument, it undermines her legitimacy.

She almost never highlights the countless violence that occurs to men in video games either. If women are indeed 'background decoration' then violence to men is most definitely the 'main attraction'. It is Anita's complete unwillingly to explore the other side of the argument that makes her lose face. Yes there are indeed, many crazy people outraged enough to give her death threats. People make death threats to everyone about anything it seems. Hell, people stab and shoot each other at Walmart. The world sucks. But there are also many people who give constructive and level headed arguments that she completely shuts off in the areas that she controls. I'm sure if she opened the gates, many more opinions and videos such as Thunderf00t's would blast her arguments wide open.
Violence IS done to innocent, helpless men and in at least one case in for a few games she featured, it IS mixed together with sexual objectification. In Far Cry 3, a protagonist's male friend is purchased and used as a sex slave. In Dragon Age Origins, a nude male is found being tortured in a dungeon. In Red Dead Redempion, as part of a stranger quest, Marston finds a merchant who is in the process of being raped and eaten by a cannibal. This however doesn't match her argument so she either ignores it completely or uses blanket phrases such as "rarely do we see".

There are many other specific cases we could mention such as God of War, Bioshock and so on but my argument would spill onto even more pages so I will stop here.
It is an important issue to discuss, and it IS good that it is getting discussion, but we need a more balanced representation and view of the issue. Not a cookie cutter, cherry picked view that does not even attempt to consider the counter argument.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Rurouni Kenshin : Kyoto Inferno Review

Rurouni Kenshin : Kyoto Inferno Review

I have been a huge Kenshin fan since my teenage years after stumbling across the anime on a random anime sharing site. I came to love the series even more after reading the manga. The first movie, released 2 years ago was, in my opinion, the best live action adaptation of an anime series to date. I have heard that Death Note, which Tatsuya Fujiwara also stars in is good but I haven't seen it personally.
The first movie stayed truthful to the original series whilst mostly avoiding the cheesy scenes, out of place setting and awkward dialogue that most live adaptations suffer from. It still blows my mind that many Kenshin fans are UNAWARE that the film was released and were doubly shocked to find out that a sequel is now hitting the big screen in Japan.
The second movie 'Rurouni Kenshin : Kyoto Inferno', otherwise known as るろうに剣心 京都大火編 blows away all other competition and builds upon what made the first movie so great.

Costume Design

Each lead character is instantly recognisable and keeps all of their unique physical characteristics while still staying appropriate to the era setting. I was sceptical of how Shishio would look in a live action movie but the make-up staff did a fantastic job of transforming Tatsuya into the scarred warrior seen above, he is barely recognisable! Even the hairstyles are on form, Saito's bangs and Sawagejo's dynamic punk rock style hair feature prominently yet don't look ridiculous. This is where other live action movies often fail, they try too hard to mimic the original drawings that it just looks ridiculous, they got the balance just right here.

Clear Cut Action

One aspect I loved from the first movie was the clarity of the action sequences. I would go "Wow! That's THAT move!"
They do a fantastic job of making the combat sequences fast paced and incredibly full of impact, yet you never lose track of where the lead characters are and can see every blow connect. There is minimal shaky cam and flashy transitions, the strikes flow from start to finish all in sequence. As soon as I saw the initial bandit fight my adrenaline was pumping and ready to see the next scene.
The characters unique fighting styles are all clearly evident with the appropriate weapons and stances.

Minimal wire work is used, so hopefully there will be no out of place moments in the sequel. In the first movie there was an awkward moment where Saito 'launched' at a chandelier...thankfully they have learnt not repeat it!

Again, the great costume design helps to set the main characters apart from the fodder.

Kyoto Arc Coverage

Kyoto Inferno manages to detail the events of roughly half of the Shishio story, jumping from one plot point to another without losing coherency. At some times they may feel a little unrelated, but each moment is covered in enough detail to ensure that are the key plot points link together and that the iconic scenes are all shown. Some content has necessarily been cut but that is inevitable for a live action movie covering such a wide range of source material. The movie was 2 and a half hours but it flew by ridiculously fast, I never felt that the plot was dragging at any point, rather it was driving forward to progress the story.

Focal Battles

Every key character has their moment to shine, and each battle has their own unique flavour. The battle with Sojiro is very deliberately paced, with lightning speed clashes, followed by brief pauses. Whereas Sewagejo Cho's (aka. the sword hunter) fight is brutal and rough, just like his persona.  This means that each fight does not feel repetitive despite the focus on swordplay. 

In fact I had completely forgotten about Sewagejo's character until I saw his punk rock hair do swagger onto the screen, he received little spotlight during the advertising but I really enjoyed his scenes. He has a generic yanki attitude but he was portrayed very well. Even keeping his one eye closed squint quirk that opens during the excitement of battle. Small touches like this are what made the movie complete.

Aoshi's Abridgement

This is pretty much my only complaint about this movie, yet I can understand why it needed to occur. If you are familiar with the Kenshin story, you would have noticed that Aoshi's character was completely omitted. His entire motivation for fighting Kenshin, the loss of his friends, was completely non existent. However since he has a vital role in the later events of the series the film makers made the wise decision to reintroduce him into this movie. 

Aoshi is one of my favourite characters from the manga, he is loyal, strong and you can empathise with his ideals. His character design in the movie is fantastic, instantly recognisable. Yet it is hard to sympathise with this version of Aoshi, he is a brutal, merciless warrior who seeks to overcome Kenshin simply due to his stature as the strongest warrior of times past. There is no link between Aoshi's loss of his comrades and the battle against Kenshin as there was in the original story. Instead he is somewhat one dimensional, solely caring about finding Kenshin and nothing else, no matter who stands in his way. 

His battles are some of my favourites, I will not give the details in order to avoid spoilers but they are ruthless and highlight his ability to fight using numerous styles. I am keen to see how his battles and quest to fight Kenshin unfold in the upcoming sequel. I just hope that they develop his character more so that we can care about him rather than just see him as a worthy challenger.

Final Thoughts

Kyoto Inferno build upon what made the original movie great. A faithful representation of the events and characters of the series while keeping it rooted within a realistic setting. There are areas that obviously cannot occur in real life but they are not as jarringly obvious as they are in other anime adaptations, there are no energy blasts, or hyper speed backgrounds, just unusual flourishes of swordplay and inhumane balance. While the movie has altered some key characters they have managed to adapt to the differences established in the first movie well and it was a necessary move in order to make the rest of the story arc flow coherently.
The second movie ends on a cliffhanger so I am anxiously waiting for the 3rd part to be released in September!

Enjoy the trailer...!

Monday, 18 August 2014

Summer Sonic 2014!

This Sunday during summer vacation I made the spontaneous decision to buy a 1 day ticket for Summer Sonic Osaka!! Summer Sonic is an annual music festival that is held during Summer Vacation, with alternating line-ups in Tokyo and Osaka.

I definitely don't regret this decision, I was going there with one mission, to see BABYMETAL. I was gutted to have missed their London show so this was a good way to make up for it!

It was a scorching hot day but despite this I spent most of my day walking around the outside stages checking out as many rock/metal artists as I could with the odd surprise in-between.

Artist impressions:


Lets start with my main highlight, BABYMETAL. Whether you love or hate them, you have to admit that the girls and their backing band have made huge progress in spreading their unique form of music worldwide, with upcoming shows in New York and London too! I'm personally a big fan and love the blend of cutesy pop vocals with hard metal backing music, the dancing and general image is great too. 
The setlist begin with an amusing star wars-esque intro video highlighting their  journey so far and showing the support they had gained from prominent figures in industry such as Metallica, Slayer and so on.
They then jumped straight into their set..

2. Give Me Choco!!
3. Kami Band Performance
4. Catch me if you can
5. Megitsune
6. Headbanger!!
7. Doki DokiMorning
8. Ijime, Dame, Zettai.

One thing that impressed me was the sheer number of fans who turned up to see them perform, with roughly 3 times the number of any fans on that stage that day and was comparable to Avenged Sevenfold's turnout - and they were headliners!

Highlights for me were definitely Catch me if you can, Megitsune, Headbanger!! and Ijime, Dame, Zettai.

The entire crowd was jumping, singing and having a great time, there was almost a continuous small circle pit but everyone was respectful of each others space. During an interlude video before Ijime, Dame, Zettai three words flashed on screen. WALL. OF. DEATH. The crowd immediately spread out and you can see my POV in the video below.

As you can see it is tamer than your average metal moshpit but I consider that a good thing, everyone has giant grins on their faces! 
I really recommend you check out BABYMETAL live, even if you are skeptical I feel that you would fall for their charm and get soaked up in the atmosphere! I bought a BABYMETAL towel and definitely intend to see them again!
Avenged Sevenfold

Avenged Sevenfold were the headline band for the Mountain stage this year, I must admit I haven't really listened to any of their newer material but I was a fan of their earlier releases. Was always curious to see them so I checked them out, plus I don't like the Arctic Monkeys who were on the main stage!

I was impressed, M. Shadows lead vocals were really strong, as if he was on the CD. The guitar solos flowed well and rhythmic riffs that Sevenfold are known for really packed a punch. Hearing 'Bat Country' made me incredibly nostalgic and I felt like a teenager again.
Midway through the set M. Shadows paid tribute to their late drummer and dedicated 'So Far Away' to him and all others that are not with us today. He yelled to the crowd to raise their hands, and they did so, for the entire song. It was a touching moment and he thanked everyone afterwards. Their set and backing videos had a very 'Nightmare Before Christmas' feel to it. Go check them out!


Coldrain are a metalcore band from the city where I studied abroad, Nagoya. Their singer is half American and I mistakenly thought he was non-Japanese who was really fluent haha. So easy to misjudge from appearances. I had never heard these guys but after hearing the muffled into to one of their songs from another field I immediately went to see who was producing such an awesome sound. Despite being one of the earlier performers these guys had a lot of energy. The crowd responded well to their half english vocals with a lot of people headbanging around me. Highlights included 'War is on' and 'Six Feet Under'. Will keep an eye on these guys!


This was a total surprise to me. Was not what I expected at all. I had always seen these guys separately on a variety of TV shows as all Johnny's groups are. However what I didn't know was that they are an actual band, not just boy group. Whenever I hear the word 'Johnny's' I get the image of young squeaky clean singing and dancing boy bands. However these are a group of guys in their late 40s and 50s and they play their own instruments. Instantly earnt my respect. They play a blend of pop rock music and interacted really well with the crowd. I'm sure endless TV appearances really gives them an edge with public speaking skills!
While it was not my usual kind of music I think I will listen to a few of their albums. Their live show may have created a new fan...!

I watched numerous other artists before but those 4 were the ones that stuck out for me.

Festival Impressions:

This was my first music festival experience in Japan although I have been to numerous festivals in the UK and there were some areas that really struck me as different when compared to festivals that I have been too...

The cleanliness:I don't know about other countries but in the UK the festival sites become increasingly disgusting and smelly at a rapid rate. Overflowing trash cans, toxic toilets and general waste all across the festival site. Whereas at Summer Sonic, the venues were in relatively good shape! Sure there was some trash but for the most part, there were numerous recycling bins, well enforced and followed, they were also changed regularly. Toilets were for the most part clean and the general SMELL of the festival was better, only in the super muddy areas did I notice a stench. In the UK you can smell the toilets from the other side of the field....ugh.

The fans:There were none of the noticeable drunks/people high off their face that I am used to seeing in the UK, sure there were drunk people but they seemed perfectly capable of looking after themselves! In the moshpits and crowds everyone was respectful of each-others space and no forced shoving, the atmosphere was really happy and positive. There were A LOT of BABYMETAL fans walking around, saw t shirts and towels everywhere, or maybe that's because I'm biased...! Despite the FIERCE heat, everyone was in high spirits.
M. Shadows made a good point during Avenged Sevenfold's set when he said 'I always love coming to Japan, everyones so nice, very polite, thank you always.'

Safety:During the sets with bigger crowds there were consistent requests to space out and to notify staff if anyone felt sick because of the heat. The day was scorching hot, I received crazy sunburn and am currently typing with glowing red hands! Since the fans were not acting wrecklessly there were no warnings about setting fire to gas canisters etc that are common at festivals in the UK. Went through the entire day without seeing any incidents, which is great!

Final Thoughts:I really recommend that you go to Summer Sonic 2015! In hindsight I wish I had also gone on Saturday to see some other great artists too. It was well fun, the food and drinks were reasonably priced and everyone was so damn nice! Definitely take care in the summer heat though, I'm in agony now due to getting stupidly sunburnt, so stay hydrated and whack that sunscreen on! Tickets are widely available from all convenience stores and there is a convenient shuttle bus to and from the closest train station.

I aim to go to more live concerts in the future so keep an eye out for more music updates!

First post! Aims and more.

Hello! Welcome to AvidyaJP, this is my first shot at blogging but I am intending to make it an ongoing project with consistent updates!

I'm a mid twenties guy from the UK who is currently working in Japan. Hence the JP.
I have studied here abroad in Nagoya but am now based in my favourite city, Osaka!

My blog has two main goals:

1) To spread awareness, information and my passion about Video Games and everything that surrounds them, with a special focus but not exclusively, on the Japanese side of things.

2) To give an insiders view to the life of Japan, with a heavy focus on popular culture but also traditional culture, history, nice sightseeing spots and general observations made whilst living here. I'm fully aware there are a million other 'gaijin' blogs out there so I hope to offer insights into areas that they may not touch on, such as awesome restaurants that are hidden away and so on!

I will be mainly focused on blog posts but I may post youtube videos and so on as this blog develops!
So stay tuned and enjoy this experience with me!